Monday, April 27, 2009

Is It Friday yet ?

I know I'm crazy for wanting it to be Friday already, but you see I have a fun filled weekend planned. I'm going thrifting 3 hours away and I can't hardly wait. I'll have to show you all I find when I find it (wink-wink). Hopefully the weather is better than here.... It's been freezing windy cold here, and try sitting for one hour and a half at your kids baseball game! I deserve some antique shopping therapy really soon!
Well better go for now but we'll chat again real soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Blog!

Well I can't believe I'm finally starting my blog! I have been wanting to start this for so long now & I finally got the courage and found the time to do so. I have been inspired by so many other blogs and have found that it's awesome to know that there are so many other people out there in the world that have so much in common with me, have passion of all things from art to cooking. I hope that I can share a small glimpse of my life with others and meet so many warm-hearted people. I am so excited..... to begin my journey into blog~land. Sincerely, Swankygal

About Me

My photo
near the ocean, California, United States
I'm just a girl who loves to play with crafting supplies paint & scissors Welcome to my wacky little world, lover of all things vintage addicted to fabric.

Mend and make do.....

Mommy's Idea

don't spend your life, watching other people live it

don't spend your life, watching other people live it


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