hello there! I'm so happy because just look what I got in the mail today! I just love getting stuff in the mail , don't you? I bought these Japanese deco tapes on
etsy aren't they not the cutest things you've ever seen. I know I'm silly ...the kid in me hasn't left me. Can't blame me for being the only girl in my family. In a home full of boys, you can't help but buy "
girly things" and surround yourself with colorful, fun, cute & vintage of course, things!
well speaking of cute, I haven't showed you the pics of my pillow coverings I made last week . They are suppose to be on my couch, but I can't get enough of them so they ended up on my bed and haven't left!!!
hahaha.....Here check em out,
watcha think? cute huh? I made them from 2 different fabrics. The front side is Heather Bailey's "pop garden bijoux"

and this back side is from Anna Maria
Horner's Garden party collection ...oh yeah and to finish off I made (ties) the blue bows from scraps given to me when I ordered bundles of
AMH " good folks line". These talented ladies have created such beautiful fabrics!! I can't seem to get enough of it!

Check out this cute little guy, picked him up on my lunch hour at my favorite thrift shop for $1 , he didn't have his mate but oh well, he sure is cute.

I also picked up this zipper & spools for .25 cents, needless to say It was a good day......
oh better go now. It's a bit nippy here about 50 degrees and my honey is calling me to come sit by him so we can cuddle and watch a movie, he's got my coffee ready. So much for summer huh? last week I was drinking cold stuff today it's hot stuff. Have a great weekend see you next week!.. oh yeah next week remind me to show you my Blythe doll!
yes you heard right, my hubby bought me a Blythe doll, should arrive tomorrow, can't wait....
arrghh it's going to be a long night.