Hi there ! so much has happened since I last posted,,,,wow I don't know where to begin , not sure if I should start where it ended last but I'll just start by saying that I'm so glad this week is over! what a week it was the boys went back to school and you can only imagine what comes with that! tons of homework, last minute (clothes shopping) & not to mention that endless list that the teacher sends on their first day of class that only has about 100 gadgets & supplies they are going to need for the school yr!
enough of that I don't want to tire your nice & relaxed brain with all nonsense, but really I feel bad for not posting lately because this is what I love to do but don't get as much- so I won't talk much cause it's late but I'll show you what I've been up to um-k?
enough of that I don't want to tire your nice & relaxed brain with all nonsense, but really I feel bad for not posting lately because this is what I love to do but don't get as much- so I won't talk much cause it's late but I'll show you what I've been up to um-k?
well not sure if I had mentioned but I recently bought some patterns here and I have not had the pleasure to start on this one but I did attempt the pear & I love the results, you should try it, it's really totally easy to make and Heather makes it even easier to follow with simple easy to read instructions!
by the way you can't tell I love her dolls right? this one is for my other niece Jackie, 2 down, uhh how much more to go??
don't know if I ever mentioned but I have this thing for aqua or green or red for my kitchen
when I moved into this place where I'm at now my mommy surprised me with this beautiful green depression glass bowl, crazy I know to have it out on display with 4 boys!
isn't the color just lovely?
that adorable little salt shaker , got that for $1- not sure if it's vintage but I don't care love the color
don't know if I ever mentioned but I have this thing for aqua or green or red for my kitchen
when I moved into this place where I'm at now my mommy surprised me with this beautiful green depression glass bowl, crazy I know to have it out on display with 4 boys!
isn't the color just lovely?
that adorable little salt shaker , got that for $1- not sure if it's vintage but I don't care love the color

these are vintage Pyrex in fabulous condition!
and last the buttons, got these 20 for a buck! there must have been a bizillion of them in a large box, when I was going thru them my hands got dirty, they felt rough.....crazy
this is what they looked like when they got home after a nice warm soapy bath.
well this is all for now. Not going thrifting tomorrow, but I'm not heart broken because my first born turns 20 & we're spending the entire day here
hope you all have a wonderful weekend....with the ones you love ....doing whatever it may be
hasta luego!
{{{huggs}}}this is what they looked like when they got home after a nice warm soapy bath.
well this is all for now. Not going thrifting tomorrow, but I'm not heart broken because my first born turns 20 & we're spending the entire day here
hope you all have a wonderful weekend....with the ones you love ....doing whatever it may be
hasta luego!