Is it an understatement or what? I love how the weathers changed it's crisp in the evenings and cold in the mornings (LOVE IT) I think that autumn has got to be my most favorite time of the year!!! so any way it's been a while , how have you been? I've been extremely busy with [LIFE] got one? ok so you know ! Thank you :)
so many things have happened that have put me in a place to not find time for me to ramble on and on. Well all I have to say is that Halloween is near and I'm so excited because soon I'll be moving into a bigger place where I can unpack finally!!! after 2 years and start baking and doing all those nice things all of do before and during the holidays. So grab your cup of coffee or tea and check out what I've been up to!
I pulled out this apron I made a few years back using Alexander Henry fabric, love that vintage halloween look it has.

I made these flowers to make it girly!! I really love the way the whole thing came out, now I just wish i'd find the gal that made it.... she hasn't created anything in a while!
I guess you can't count the day I pulled out some scrapbooking supplies to play around!

and check these string lights put, I got these at Target for $2.50 they were white skulls. I painted them to resemble the sugar skulls for Dia de los Muertos ( Day of the Dead).
i'm really pleased with the way they are coming along.

besides they go nicely with my collection.

I'll be back really soon to show you more halloween stuff!! hopefully before the move at the end of the month! enjoy this magical month and stay warm wherever you may be!
huggs, swankygal